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Tammy Gibson is a talented entrepreneur with a diverse background.


Tammy’s entrepreneurial journey has been a series of edits, full of unique and wonderful opportunities and pivots. Each new experience led to a deeper understanding of who she is as a businesswoman.


The Eras of Tammy Gibson:


Lifestyle Entrepreneur and Content Creator


Tammy worked in the fashion and beauty industry for 15 years. She traveled for blogging gigs, expert panels to serve as an ambassador and consultant to brands wanting to increase their influence in the marketplace. 




Tammy has been featured in Allure, Cosmopolitan, Real Simple and other major publications and has modeled for the likes of Sears, Macys, Kohls and JustFab.


Business and Branding Coach


During her blogging career, she became quite intrigued with personal branding, messaging, and the power of women who show up for themselves.


Never before in her life had she experienced the power of women on a mission.

Using her skills and knowledge of the online entrepreneur space, she began to help other women create captivating brands that were unmatched by others, so they could create greater visibility and recognition for their business.




In October of 2021, Tammy became very sick (read her story here) and spent 4 months in the hospital. During that time, she had a very vivid dream that she would be speaking on stages, sharing her story of resilience and how it changed her identity.


Today, Tammy is on a mission to empower women to turn their stories into powerful tools for leadership and success.


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Fun Facts About Tammy:
Daily Musts: Coffee and Prayer all day long

Best Titles: Wife, Mom and Oma 

Amputation: Right above-knee

Self-described:  Sunshine mixed with a little hurricane

Go-to Style: Black with a little bling

​Core Message:  You can turn your personal stories of resilience into leadership, confidence, and lasting impact, creating a positive ripple effect in your life and community.


Work with

Contact Tammy to invite her to your stage, on your show or collaborate with your brand to increase marketplace awareness.

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